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Connecting people and information

Inspiring communities around information

Glad to work with you!

When you connect people to the information they need to be successful, you do more than spark individual insights. You create an inspiring culture of learning and sharing that impacts all areas of your business.

It's all about equipping people with tools that complement, accelerate, and amplify their strategic decision-making process.

Stephen Phillips
Senior Advisor

Your information resources, data, software, and SaaS products are of critical importance to the continued success of your business. When your people have the information they need, inspiration has the opportunity to strike.

Information drives innovation

When the right people have the right resources at the right time, that's when the magic happens. See how we break down silos and ignite inspiration for your team.

A culture of learning

By uniting all your information resources into one platform, we remove barriers to your information flow. Your people are free to learn, share, and discover.

Resources within reach

Instead of sifting through various servers and sign-in pages for data, we surface all relevant resources available for members of your team.

Removing friction between teams

No more duplicate accounts, no more chasing down log-ins and credentials. Teams can now focus on what they do best: solving problems, together.

Total visibility into your information workflows

Improve your team's ability to use your information by gaining insight into exactly how, where, and when your teams access critical information.

Mentor teaching group of employees

Making it easy to access and track information doesn't just make work more efficient; it makes it possible to share information in new ways. Couranto frees up teams to do their best work.

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Featured Insights

How Couranto Identifies Contract Duplication and Saves Money

Nick Collison describes how Couranto identified contract duplication for one client across regions and subsidiaries and put the licenses under one master agreement to save the client hundreds of thousands over the coming years.

Learn more